The world is a diverse place, full of various languages, customs, religions, races, ethnicities, values, and traditions. Among the 4,000 religions practised globally, Hinduism is the third most followed. Breaking the shackles of prejudiced notions, many people worldwide have embraced Hinduism.
Today, we present a list of ten celebrities from around the world who have embraced Hinduism and are its devout followers. Take a look:
1. Robert Downey Jr.

The Iron Man star, Robert Downey Jr., has embraced Lord Krishna as his deity. He loves Hindu culture, traditions, and customs and is closely associated with the ideology of Lord Krishna and ISKCON spirituality.
2. Julia Roberts

The 55-year-old actress, Julia Roberts, has a massive fan following. In 2010, she revealed her embrace of Hinduism for “spiritual satisfaction.” In a famous interview, she mentioned how a picture of guru Neem Karoli Baba piqued her interest in Hinduism.
3. Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, a renowned Hollywood personality, performed Lakshmi Puja in 2017, and her pictures went viral. While it’s unclear if she still practices Hinduism, she admitted to following it for mental peace and nirvana.
4. John Coltrane

World-famous American jazz saxophonist, John Coltrane, embraced Hinduism after being born into a Christian family. Over time, he converted completely to Hinduism.
5. Trevor Hall

American singer, songwriter, and guitarist Trevor Hall adopted the name Mantra and converted to Hinduism on January 1, 2006. He is a disciple of Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati.
6. Claudia Ciesla

German supermodel and actor Claudia Ciesla, originally an Ashkenazic Jew, converted to Hinduism in 2009, inspired by her interest in Hindu culture and mythology. She now considers herself a follower of Lord Ganesha.
7. Russell Brand

Prominent English comedian and actor Russell Brand regularly attends Hare Krishna services. He has a Sanskrit tattoo saying “Anuugacchati Pravaha,” meaning “go with the flow.” He is deeply fascinated by Hinduism.
8. Jerry Garcia

Founder of the rock band Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia was influenced by Hinduism from a young age. After his death in 1995, his ashes were immersed in the Ganges River in Rishikesh, India.
9. Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert, a well-known American journalist and author, embraced Hinduism while traveling to India for inspiration for her famous work, “Eat, Pray, Love.”
10. Will Smith

Popular actor Will Smith appreciates Hindu practices and faiths. In April 2019, during his visit to Haridwar, India, he claimed that Hindu rituals awakened him to a new world.
We hope you enjoyed this list. Share your thoughts in the comments below!